High quality music-centred rehabilitation
“Changing Tunes have a solid track-record of running high quality
music-centred rehabilitation work with diverse groups.
Their unique approach engages participants in meaningful
music-making, creation, performance and recording opportunities.”
Our Work
Our music programmes make a meaningful difference in the lives of the people we work with because they are person-centred, trauma-informed and long-term.
We facilitate music-making programmes in Alternative Provision Schools, Secure Children’s Homes, Young Offender Institutions, Prisons and Post-Release.
We co-produce a lived experience record label called Red Tangent Records. This takes our mission further by helping talented musicians who have been in prison to build sustainable careers.
Our Partners
We work in 16 Prisons, two Secure Children’s Homes and three Alternative Provision Schools.
We run Post-release Music Hubs in Bristol, Birmingham, Exeter and Portsmouth.
We work in these locations
“Delivered by HMPPS Creating Future Opportunities”
To learn more about the work of HMPPS CFO please visit CreatingFutureOpportunities.gov.uk.
We are pleased to be providing our music and mentoring work as part of the CFO (Creating Future Opportunities ) program, partnering with Ingeus and HM Prison and Probation Service.
Our regular presence means that we can bring the benefits of music-making to more people with the lived experience of prison. We look forward to working with more participants to support their creative potential and integration into the community.
HMP Bristol
CFO Community Hub
HMP Featherstone
CFO Evolution@ HMP Featherstone as part of the The Leap Phase 1 Programme
HMP Drake Hall
CFO Evolution @HMP Drake Hall as part of the The Hamlet Phase 1 Programme
Ingeus West Midlands Community Hubs:
Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stoke