We help people lead crime free lives through music
“Changing Tunes is different from anything I've seen in the prison system.
Thanks to them I've found a direction and a worth beyond anything I thought possible.”
Changing Tunes Participant
What We Do
We use the power of music to help people lead crime-free lives that are meaningful and creative
We facilitate music-making programmes in Alternative Provision Schools, Secure Children’s Homes, Young Offender Institutions, Prisons and Post-Release. We also run a record label that supports the career development of talented music artists who have been in prison, or who are are the edges of the system.
We help participants to develop ‘human and social capital’ outcomes that support desistance from crime, like improved self-esteem, resilience, mental health and belonging.
Our participant re-offending rate over the past 3 years is 5%, compared to the national rate at 48%
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and who we work with
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